P-04-553 A full and independent investigation in to the health risks of wireless and mobile phone technologies in Wales including all schools. Correspondence – Petitioner to the Committee. 07.01.16

Thank you for sending on Welsh Health Minster Mr Mark Drakeford's response to the petition calling for a full and independent investigation in to the health risks of wireless and mobile phone technologies in Wales including in all schools. My response to his letter is that Mr Drakeford seems to have completely ignored all the international peer reviewed evidence that I have previously sent to him. I attach a small collection of these peer reviewed scientific papers outlining the danger to health once more.

As previously mentioned, there is now an enormous body of evidence demonstrating that the bombardment of modern traffic in electro magnetic fields can be harmful, causing DNA and cellular damage, having an impact on immune function and causing an increased risk of cancer and a loss of fertility - with children being especially susceptible to these threats.

 The Council of Europe, World Health Organization, International Agency for UK Trades Union Congress (TUC), European Environment Agency, International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety and the Russian, German and Israeli governments are all asking for these health risks to be addressed and for practical measures such as hard wiring in schools to be introduced instead of Wi Fi.

In May 2011 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer categorized “radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless cellphone use.

Is Mr Drakeford claiming that all these international organisations and experts in their fields are making things up?

The following presentation, given by Professor emeritus Martin L. Pall of Washington State University, explains that governments and industry bodies claiming wireless technologies to be harmless are, tragically and verifiably, wrong. I hope Mr Drakeford can also view this video as part of the evidence gathering which his job entails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjt0iJThPU0#t=13Prof. Martin Pall - How WiFi & other EMFs Cause Biological Harm www.youtube.com

English language mirror of: Elektrotåka - den nye helse og miljøgiften? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Up8b...  “I think this is going to be one of ...


Health is a devolved issue in Wales, by law. There is a duty, both moral and constitutional for the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales to hold its own thorough independent investigation in to the dangers of wi fi technology. The idea that the devolved Welsh Government is reliant on Public Health England for all its advice on such a crucial and devolved matter is an absurd and serious matter, and in my view a breach of trust of the whole devolution agreement. I don't now know why Mark Drakeford chooses to ignore this evidence but there really isn't any excuse for it. The scientific precautionary principle alone deems that, as Health Minister, Mr Drakeford should be conducting a thorough and urgent independent investigation in to the matter. Contrary to his claim in his letter, the public in Wales clearly isn't being adequately protected, especially schoolchildren.


I hope the information provided in this email will be used as further evidence by the Welsh Government who are now urged to conduct their own independent investigation in to this matter as part of their constitutional duty and obligations as a devolved government for Wales,


Many thanks for taking the time to read this,




Cymru Sofren/Sovereign Wales"